Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Experimenting with Science - Why choosing science in senior years pays off!

Hello there,

Talk to many science graduates and they will often say the same thing – they were thought of as the ‘nerds’ of school. These were those brainy individuals that loved studying more than sport, drama and the opposite sex!

But names hurt you less when you have a successful career in a science based occupation under your belt.

Many students are not choosing science at high school and the results are showing in our skills shortages across all industry groups in Australia.

Some of the many job opportunities that call for a science background include:

agricultural engineer, aquaculture technician, cardiac technologist, dietician, environmental health officer, forensic scientist, geneticist, health services- hospital manager, marine scientist, sports psychologist, plastic surgeon, nuclear medicine technologist, civil engineering designer or draftsperson, gemmologist, air traffic controller, electronics engineer or technician, computer engineer

Australia may have developed an enviable reputation as a nation of innovators but if our students are not taking up science, and information technology we are not going to grow that reputation into the future.

Did you know that many industries are offering scholarships and cadetships in the science fields to attract quality candidates?

The university of your choice should have a comprehensive list of scholarships and cadetships available. Check out their websites for details.

The Australian government sites such as Geo-science Australia may also be of interest.

So if your child shows interest in sciences and innovation you need to be thinking about developing that interest to help them get over the ‘nerd’ handle and into the ‘kool’ handle. Some websites that might assist are:

www.osmr.nsw.gov.au - Science X - posed

www.careersinscience.gov.au – Cool careers in science

www.ansto.gov.au - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Till next time


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