Monday, November 10, 2008

How to get in-depth information about an industry - Part 2

Hello there

So leading on from our last blog. You have found an industry that your son or daughter is interested in. Congratulations! This is a great first step.

Now you will need more details about how your child is going to reach that goal. Do you immediately enrol your son or daughter in a university qualification or are there other routes into the industry?

One of the ways to get this kind of information is to visit the website of one of the 11 skills industry councils in Australia. If you google ' industry councils australia' you will get the websites listed.

Here is just one of these: Innovation and Business Skills Australia

The IBSA Careers site provides fact sheets for a variety of careers that include information about tasks performed in the occupation, training options, what training may involve, where training can be undertaken and links to other useful websites.

New to the site are the excellent videos, produced by SkillsOne, that have now been embedded into specific industry links.

For more details, please go to

Currently you will find videos in the following industries:

Business Services



Screen and Media

Financial Services

Information and Communication Technology

Museum and Library/Information Services


Printing and Graphic Arts


Visual Arts, Crafts and Design

Why not check them out?

Till next time,


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