Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Everyone Knows Something about Careers!

Hello there.

Everyone knows something about careers - This is also a truth!

If you are working currently then you will have some knowledge of your own field.
If you are a stay at home parent, think about your skills in time management, budgeting, conflict resolution, negotiating etc.

As an exercise have a look at your own field of work.

- What are the jobs in your industry?

- What qualifications do you require to do the jobs in your company?

- How many of your co-workers hold qualifications either from university or a tertiary provider?

Look at your circle of friends, what career paths are they following....

Ask them to share with you how they got in to the jobs they do, what are the pros and cons etc

If appropriate ask them to share this information with your children.

These forms of informal learning are as important as the more formalised searches through industry associations, career websites and sessions with careers advisors at school or privately.

Here is a great website that is a good place to start your child on their career pathway - why you may even find out information for yourself! Check with your local school as careers advisers often hold classes for parents in how to make the best use of this site.


Till next time


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Melody this is a great place to get info about careers.